Quick Start
Inverse kinematics (IK) is the computational problem of determining joint configurations that achieve desired end-effector poses or other system states. MJINX provides a structured framework for formulating and solving these problems through a component-based architecture that elegantly handles both objectives and constraints.
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Complete Example
Here’s a comprehensive example demonstrating MJINX’s capabilities with a 7-DoF Kuka iiwa manipulator:
import jax
import numpy as np
from mujoco import mjx
from mjinx.problem import Problem
from mjinx.components.tasks import FrameTask
from mjinx.components.barriers import JointBarrier
from mjinx.solvers import LocalIKSolver
from mjinx.configuration import integrate
# Initialize the robot model using MuJoCo
from robot_descriptions.iiwa14_mj_description import MJCF_PATH
import mujoco as mj
mj_model = mj.MjModel.from_xml_path(MJCF_PATH)
mjx_model = mjx.put_model(mj_model)
# Create instance of the problem
problem = Problem(mjx_model)
# Add tasks to track desired behavior
frame_task = FrameTask("ee_task", cost=1, gain=20, body_name="link7")
# Add barriers to enforce constraints
joints_barrier = JointBarrier("jnt_range", gain=10)
# Initialize the solver
solver = LocalIKSolver(mjx_model)
# Initial configuration
q = np.zeros(mjx_model.nq)
dt = 1e-2
# Initialize solver data
solver_data = solver.init(q)
# JIT-compile solve and integrate functions
solve_jit = jax.jit(solver.solve)
integrate_jit = jax.jit(integrate, static_argnames=["dt"])
# Control loop
for t in np.arange(0, 5, dt):
# Update target and compile problem
frame_task.target_frame = np.array([0.1 * np.sin(t), 0.1 * np.cos(t), 0.1, 1, 0, 0, 0])
problem_data = problem.compile()
# Solve the IK problem
opt_solution, solver_data = solve_jit(q, solver_data, problem_data)
# Integrate to get new configuration
q = integrate_jit(
Let’s examine the key elements of this example to understand MJINX’s approach to inverse kinematics.
Building the Problem
The Problem class serves as the central framework for defining inverse kinematics scenarios:
problem = Problem(mjx_model)
MJINX uses a component-based architecture where each component represents a mathematical function with specific semantics. All components share common attributes: a unique identifier, a gain parameter (weight in the optimization), and an optional mask for dimensional selection.
Task Components
Tasks define desired behaviors through objective functions that the solver attempts to minimize. In mathematical terms, a task represents a function \(f(q, t)\) that maps from configuration space to a task-specific error measure.
Tasks are weighted through two parameters:
- Weight of the function in the objective (common across all components)cost
- Weight in velocity space (specific to the LocalIKSolver)
For example, to position an end-effector at a specific location:
frame_task = FrameTask(name="ee_task", cost=1, gain=20, body_name="link7")
You can also add regularization to minimize joint movement:
joint_task = JointTask("regularization", cost=0.1, gain=0)
Barrier Components
Barriers enforce constraints by defining functions that must remain positive: \(h(q, t) > 0\). These create boundaries in configuration space that the solver must respect.
For instance, to enforce joint limits:
joints_barrier = JointBarrier("jnt_barrier", gain=10)
After defining all components, compile the problem:
problem_data = problem.compile()
This compilation step transforms the high-level component specifications into optimized computational representations. Recompilation is necessary whenever component parameters change (e.g., updating a target position).
Solving the Problem
MJINX provides multiple solver implementations for different scenarios:
solver = LocalIKSolver(mjx_model)
solver_data = solver.init(q)
The solver maintains internal state in solver_data
, which can include information like previous solutions for warm-starting.
To solve the problem:
opt_solution, solver_data = solver.solve(q, solver_data, problem_data)
The solution contains the optimal joint velocities (v_opt
) and solver-specific information such as convergence status and error metrics.
To advance the system state using the computed velocities:
q = mjinx.configuration.integrate(
JAX Acceleration
MJINX leverages JAX’s transformations to achieve significant performance improvements:
JIT Compilation
solve_jit = jax.jit(solver.solve)
integrate_jit = jax.jit(integrate, static_argnames=["dt"])
Vectorization for Batch Processing
MJINX supports automatic vectorization for parallel computation of multiple IK problems:
# Vectorize initialization
solver_data = jax.vmap(solver.init, in_axes=0)(v_init=jnp.zeros((N_batch, mjx_model.nv)))
# Create template problem data with vmap dimensions
with problem.set_vmap_dimension() as empty_problem_data:
empty_problem_data.components["ee_task"].target_frame = 0
# Vectorize solving and integration
solve_jit = jax.jit(
in_axes=(0, 0, empty_problem_data),
integrate_jit = jax.jit(jax.vmap(integrate, in_axes=(None, 0, 0, None)))
This vectorization capability enables efficient parallel computation of multiple trajectories or configurations simultaneously, significantly accelerating optimization for complex robotics applications.
For more practical applications, explore the examples in the MJINX repository: